Conmemorando que al fin!! viene a chile y que ya tengo mi entrada en la manooo subo la discografia de RADIOHEAD para que se deleiten y los esperemos a full para este 27 de marzo del 2009. Viva el gato thom yorke!
01. You
02. Creep
03. How Do You?
04. Stop Whispering
05. Thinking About You
06. Anyone Can Play Guitar
07. Ripcord
08. Vegetable
09. Prove Yourself
10. I Can't
11. Lurgee
12. Blow Out

01. Everything In Its Right Place
02. Kid A
03. The National Anthem
04. How To Disappear Completely
05. Treefingers
06. Optimistic
07. In Limbo
08. Idioteque
09. Morning Bell
10. Motion Picture Soundtrack

1. Planet Telex
2. The Bends
3. High & Dry
4. Fake Plastic Trees
5. Bones
6. (Nice Dream)
7. Just
8. My Iron Lung
9. Bulletproof.. I Wish I Was
10. Black Star
11. Sulk
12. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
2. The Bends
3. High & Dry
4. Fake Plastic Trees
5. Bones
6. (Nice Dream)
7. Just
8. My Iron Lung
9. Bulletproof.. I Wish I Was
10. Black Star
11. Sulk
12. Street Spirit (Fade Out)

01. Airbag
02. Paranoid Android
03. Subterranean Homesick Alien
04. Exit Music [For A Film]
05. Let Down
06. Karma Police
07. Fitter Happier
08. Electioneering
09. Climbing Up The Walls
10. No Surprises
11. Lucky
12. The Tourist

01. Airbag
02. Paranoid Android
03. Subterranean Homesick Alien
04. Exit Music [For A Film]
05. Let Down
06. Karma Police
07. Fitter Happier
08. Electioneering
09. Climbing Up The Walls
10. No Surprises
11. Lucky
12. The Tourist

01. Everything In Its Right Place
02. Kid A
03. The National Anthem
04. How To Disappear Completely
05. Treefingers
06. Optimistic
07. In Limbo
08. Idioteque
09. Morning Bell
10. Motion Picture Soundtrack
1. 2+2=5.
2. Sit down. Stand up.
3. Sail to the Moon.
4. Backdrifts.
5. Go to Sleep.
6. Where I End and You Begin.
7. We suck Young Blood.
8. The Gloaming.
9. There there.
10. I will.
11. A Punchup at a Wedding.
12. Myxomatosis.
13. Scatterbrain.
14. A Wolf at the Door.

01. 15 Step
02. Bodysnatchers
03. Nude
04. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
05. All I Need
06. Faust Arp
07. Reckoner
08. House Of Cards
09. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
10. Videotape
01. 15 Step
02. Bodysnatchers
03. Nude
04. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
05. All I Need
06. Faust Arp
07. Reckoner
08. House Of Cards
09. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
10. Videotape

Si se tocan dos copias del Kid A, por separado; con 17 segundos de diferencia entre cada una, las pistas, beats y lyrics se empalman y "sincronizan" formando todo un nuevo álbum.. o al menos dándole un leve giro al disco.
Este es el unico disco con password para descomprimir.
PASS: mundoeleven.blogspot.com
Si se tocan dos copias del Kid A, por separado; con 17 segundos de diferencia entre cada una, las pistas, beats y lyrics se empalman y "sincronizan" formando todo un nuevo álbum.. o al menos dándole un leve giro al disco.
Este es el unico disco con password para descomprimir.
PASS: mundoeleven.blogspot.com
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